
Data Reconciliation and validation program RECON

The program aimed at mass and heat balancing with data reconciliation (see details) is available in its restricted form as a Lite version. Restrictions applied are moderate and the Lite version can be useful in solving many practical tasks. Click here to download its installation set (exe-file, 18.53 MB).

When you have the installation set on your PC, you can start installing RECON. After the installation is completed, you can run it and use its on-line manual. An important part of the installation is utility UNINST.EXE that enables you to correctly remove RECON from your PC any later.

The installation is provided with many well-documented examples. You can also download the RECON getting started presentation (3,45 MB) or watch Recon introduction video. There is also Recon - Model building and Recon - Data connectivity demonstration video on Youtube. The other RECON's documentation is available on request.

Recon contains about 50 Demo examples of various models. Here is prepared a detailed description of Mass & Component Balance and Heat & Energy Balance Demo Examples.

Important notes:
Avoid installing the program to a root. Also better avoid installing to the default folder Program Files since some versions of Windows do not allow the program to create necessary subdirectories there.

If you have RECON installed and want to update it to a later version, you can do it without reinstallation. Click here to download a self-expanding-file containing application files to be updated (2.25 MB). Place this file to a directory where RECON.EXE resides and run it.

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